Day: August 18, 2016

Good news

GOOD NEWS! Printing was down last year by 13% compared to the previous year. Well done! Let’s cut it again this year.

A reminder of the small actions we can take to reduce waste at NIS to contribute to a sustainable future:

  • Turn off lights when leaving all rooms
  • Turn off Smartboards when not in use
  • Unplug computers and phones once they are fully charged
  • Reduce output of A/C
  • Close doors when A/C is on
  • Avoid plastic cutlery, cups, straws, single use bottles etc in the Cafe and cafeteria
  • Reduce photocopying; photocopy onto used paper wherever possible
  • Avoid laminating as far as possible-plastic lasts too long
  • Control litter – ask others to pick up their rubbish

Model  this behaviour and encourage it in others. It’s your future.

After school Evacuation guidelines for primary students

Following yesterday’s unplanned evacuation after school, here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. If a student is in Grade PreK-G3, they should stay with their parent or guardian (they may want to line up at their class spot, if they wish but it is not necessary).
  2. If a student is in an ASA, they should line up with their ASA teacher.
  3. If a student is in G4-5 and does not have a parent here (because they are waiting for their 4:15 ASA) they should go to their class line up spot.

Remember, what is most important is that everyone is out of the building and on the running track awaiting instructions.

TEACHERS daily bulletin – Friday 19 and Monday 22

daily bulletin on Friday 19 and Monday 22

Elections of Advisory Liaisons and Student Council Representatives

Dear advisors,

On Monday, August 22nd, students will vote for

1- ONE Advisory liaison.

2-TWO Student Council representatives.

Job description

A MYP/DP Advisory liaison

-shares his/her advisory’s feelings and wishes with the SC,

– communicates SC updates to his/her advisory.

Grade Level representatives :

– attend all SC meetings,

– help with some of the great school events : Talent Show, Art Auction, Pfrang Day, …
– attend the Committee of Student Affairs or the Sustainability Committee,

-create short skits and movies for the assembly.


1- Grade Level representatives

Students write the name of 2 students in their grade on the piece of paper provided.

Please put the papers back in the envelope.

Abbie Cadden and Angela Lu, SC president and vice-president, will collect them by breaktime.

Absent students can communicate their choice by email on Tuesday.

2- MYP/DP Advisory Liaison

Ask students to choose their Advisory liaison. Any grade.

The new liaison must send an email to

6-9 : Abbie Cadden – abbiecadden

10-12 : Angela Lu – angelalu

including your name, his/her name and grade – subject : Advisory Representative

Thank you very much.

The MYP/DP Student Council.

DB-SC elections-teachers.docx

Speech and Debate


Speech and Debate

Would you like become more articulate? Do you like to argue? Do you have a love for literature? Is drama and comedy your thing? Would you like to be a part of a fun team?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then come to the introductory Speech and Debate meeting in Room D 214 on Tuesday 23rd August at 12:30 to find out what Speech and Debate is all about this year.


Badminton for fun

Friendly badminton is starting on Friday August 19, 16:15 to 17:50

Where: Blue Gym

Who: Grade 9 to 12 and staff

When: Every Friday 16:15 to 17:50

Bring your racquet and gym shoes


House assemblies

House assemblies will take place Friday from 8.10am after advisory. Please bring a pen or pencil to vote for your house captains.

Taiping – the green gym

Xuanwu – the blue gym

Wutaishan – the PAC


Wanted – Xuanwu student captains

A message to all Xuanwu students in grades 6-11

The new school year brings with it many challenges. One of those is the inter-house competition. There are 18 events spread over the coming year, and we need enthusiastic and committed students to help organise the Xuanwu teams. If you think you can help come and see Mr Battye at break today (Room D219).

There are no elections in Xuanwu, we simply want people who are willing to give up some of their time to help our house. If you are interested, come along!

Final Xuanwu logo small