Grade 6 Performance


Many thanks for the huge support for this week’s grade 6 performance. The students are incredibly excited. I’ve gone through my many emails and have tried to compile them the best that I can. If I’ve forgotten a class, then please do let me know.

Here is our schedule:

March 1st:

09:15 – 09:25 – students come to music, get their instruments, and maybe run through song once

09:25 – 09:30 – walk down to PreK / EY wing

09:30 – 09:35 – PreK

09:35 – 09:40 – K1B

09:40 – 09:45 – K1A

09:45 – 09:50 – K2 Laurel

09:50 – 09:55 – K2 Suzi

(or, all of the K2s together… whatever you’d like)

09:55 – 10:00 – Gr1 Dean

March 2nd:

13:55 – 14:05 – students come to music, get their instruments, and maybe run through song once

14:05 – 14:10 – walk down to PYP LGR

14:10 – 14:30 – perform for combined grade 3 classes and then answer questions about how the creative cycle seems to work so far, and what decisions they made about their piece. (Arts UOI)

14:30 – 14:35 – Grace Kang Gr2

14:40 – 14:45 – Kylie Pretty Gr2 (?)

14:45 – 14:50 – Taiga Gr5

Please be flexible with the times, because we’ve never done a moving concert before, and so we don’t know how long it’ll take to keep moving classes. If any classes are happy to combine, then that’d help our schedule as well. (Just so we don’t leave classes out by accident.)

Thanks; see you tomorrow! Amy