Landscape Homogenization

Students had to speak for three minutes without “repetition, hesitation, or deviation” about the homogenization of landscapes. The basic rules:

“Repetition” means the repetition of any word or phrase, although challenges based upon very common words such as “and” are generally rejected. Words contained in the given subject are exempt unless repeated many times in quick succession.
“Hesitation” is watched very strictly: a momentary pause before resumption of the subject can give rise to a successful challenge, as can tripping over one’s words.
“Deviation” means deviating from the subject, but has also been interpreted as “deviating from the English language as we know it”, “deviation from grammar as we understand it”, deviating from the truth, and sometimes even logic, although often leaps into the surreal are allowed.

A student scores a point for making a correct challenge against whoever is speaking, while the speaker gets a point if the challenge is deemed incorrect.

A student who makes a correct challenge takes over the subject for the remainder of the two minutes, or, until he or she is correctly challenged. A student also scores a point if they are the person speaking when the 120 seconds expires. An extra point is awarded when a student speaks for the entire three minutes without being challenged.

The result?