Water utilisation


  • To be able to identify the ways in which water is utilized at the regional scale.

BBC News – Companies get serious about water use

Follow this link and answer the following questions:

  1. List four countries where the use of freshwater by industry is widely dominant. [2]
  2. List six countries where the use of freshwater by agriculture is widely dominant. [3]
  3. Describe and suggest a reason for the distribution of counties where freshwater use by ‘agriculture widely dominant with significant use by the industrial sector’. [2+2]

  1. Identify the sector which used the least freshwater sourced from groundwater. [1]
  2. Identify the sector which used the most freshwater sourced from surface water. [1]
  3. What percentage of water used in the US comes from groundwater? [1]

  1. Describe the trend in total withdraws since 1950. [3]
  2. In which year did thermoelectric power’s usage of water overtake that of irrigation? [1]

  1. What percentage of water is used by the residential sector in Beijing? [1]
  2. Which Chinese province has the highest water usage by industry? [1]
  3. Which Chinese province has the highest water usage by agriculture? [1]
  4. Compare the location of the two provinces you have just identified. [2]