Imperial Russia 1853 – 1905

Imperial Russia Revolutions and the Emergence of the Soviet State 1853 – 1924


Paper 2: Causes, practices and effects of wars – Russian civil war
Single Party States – Lenin and Stalin
Paper 3: Imperial Russia after 1855; Alexander II, Alexander III, Russia under Nicholas II, Russo-Japanese War, 1905 Russian Revolution, Russia during World war 1, Revolutions 1917, Lenin’s Russia

How does the Geography of Russia affect the History of Russia?


Look at the map to answer the question.

Alexander II of Russia

Listen to this 45minute podcast about Alexander II featuring some well known Historian’s views:
The link below has the podcast in so you can download if the link above is not working:

What problems faced Russia when Alexander II became Tsar of Russia in 1855? What was the impact of the Crimean War?
Russia in 1853
The results of the Crimean War – an article from History Today
The Emancipation of the Serfs – an article from History Today

Create a prezi using the website below.  You will have to login but the Prezi should be free.  Use the help tool if you have not used it before.  Your Prezi should answer the question: What were the reforms of Alexander II and what were the effects of them?

Alexander III 1881 – 1894


Sergei Witte


Who was Sergei Witte?
Sergei WitteThe extract below contains some information about Witte’s reforms:
The Reforms of Sergei Witte

The Russo-Japanese war 1904-5 and the 1905 Revolution:


The Russo -Japanese War 1904-5 is described in the document below:
Russo – Japanese War

The video below explains the causes, course and outcomes of the Russo – Japanese War:

The video below is a dramatic reconstruction of the events of Bloody Sunday January 9th 1905, St Petersberg:

Stolypin and the Dumas

Who was Stolypin?
Questions about StolypinWhat was the October Manifesto?
October Manifesto
Stolypin and the Dumas
Dumas after 1906 – LynchHow successful were Stolypin’s political and economic policies in the years 1906 – 11?
Lynch – Stolypin’s Land reforms
Stolypin Land reform
History Today – Stolypin’s assassination

Who were the opponents of the Tsar and what did each group want?
Copy the diagram of opposition to the Tsar opposite and for each group state what they wanted. Use the extract from Lynch to help you:
Opposition to the Tsar – Lynch



How does Marxist theory of Revolution work?The video below gives a brief introduction to the March 1917 Revolution:

The March 1917 Revolution – overthrow of the Tsar


Watch the movie above – use headphones! – then answer the questions below.What were the events that led to the Revolution of February 1917?
*International Womens’ Day parade
*Putilov Steel works strike
*Loss of control by Duma
*Military refused to support orders from the Tsar
*Growing power of the Petrograd Soviet
*Abdication of the TsarRead the extract from Lynch below and make notes on the points above.
February 1917 Revolution
What was the significance of the Revolution?

The Dual Authority

What happened after the February Revolution?  Who took power?
The Dual Authority

The October Revolution


Who was Lenin?
This is a great podcast about Lenin from the BBC programme ‘In our time’. It contains very good historiography. a biography of Lenin on one side of A4.What happened between March 1917 and October 1917 to strengthen the Bolsheviks?

How did the Bolsheviks seize power?

Was the October Revolution a ‘revolution’ or a coup d’etat’?
Here is the PDF of the book by Richard Pipes ‘The Three Whys of the Russian Revolution’. Please read it through and answer the question from the keynote (below) about Pipes.
The Three Whys of the Russian Revolution by Richard Pipes
Richard Pipes Key Note

Why were the Bolsheviks successful in October 1917?
Lynch – the Bolshevik Revolution

How did the Bolsheviks consolidate their power?


When Lenin came to power in October 1917 the Bolsheviks were a small minority party.  How were they able to hold on to power establish the Soviet Union?

9. The Russian Civil WarThe link below gives a very good summary of the Russian Civil War: showing the Russian Civil War – geography and chronology – from wikipeadia.

Bolshevik control, February 1918
Bolshevik control, Summer of 1918
Maximum advance of the anti-Bolshevik armies
European theatre of the Russian Civil War

11. The NEP

From the book ‘Reaction and Revolutions: Russian 1881 – 1924’ by Michael Lynch