시, 노래가사 Uit 관련 AOI 및 Uit Question

시, 노래가사 Uit 관련 AOI 및 Uit Question


교육적 목적에 따른 자신의 이해와 생각을 코멘트란에 적어 보세요.



Social issues can be expressed in a friendly manner through a form of poem or lyrics as they use symbols.

사회적 이슈가 상징을 사용하여 시와 노래가사의 형태로 친근하게 표현될 수 있다.

Unit Questions



1. What symbols are used in the poems and lyrics?

2. What social reality do the poems or lyrics deal with?



What are possible sub-questions that could lead students to a deeper understanding of the Guiding Question(s)?


1. What is the songwriter trying to tell you? What does the song title mean, and how does it relate to the song lyrics? How do you feel when you hear the song?

2. What themes does the song deal with? Why are the themes it expresses still relevant today?