Choosing Journal Extracts

Here’s a handy checklist to help you choose your process journal samples:

Green-Check-MarkSamples showing dates from August through February.

Green-Check-MarkSamples are truthful (your supervisor will know if you add embellishments!)

Green-Check-MarkSamples show your self-management, research, thinking, and communication skills.

Green-Check-MarkSome sources are shown. They are correctly cited and are evaluated for positives, negatives, biases, etc.

Green-Check-MarkYou’ve included your original goal and a plan for doing it.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show discussion of problems that came up and how you fixed them.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show what your supervisor discussed and what you did based on the feedback.

Green-Check-MarkReflections are critical and not just narrations.


One sample might meet several requirements. For example, your plan dated in August will also show self-management skills. Your reflection on your supervisor’s feedback – dated in October – will show progress over time, reflection, and supervisor discussion. Go through your process journal and make sure that you pick really good samples that meet as many band descriptors as possible!
Here’s the band descriptors that go with your checklist:
*the process journal has been built up regularly covering the entire period of the project
*a genuine document that has accompanied the student throughout the process and has been used productively
*all ATL behaviours shown
*sources are recorded
*includes evidence of goal setting and planning to achieve the goal
*problems encountered are recorded and solutions suggested as a result of debate and discussion
*dialogue between student and supervisor recorded and evidence of action based on supervisor’s feedback
*reflections on the progress of the project are meaningful