Where should my PPP be right now?

It has been a very busy few weeks for the Grade 10 and we are sure you’re starting to feel the pressure – here are some things you can/should be working on:

  • With your supervisor, discuss and decide on which type of report you want to produce – the options are here on the blog (look at the first two entries) and a multi–media report is possible.
  • No matter what format you decide, you should still write the first section – Investigating (Crit. A)  – a written (rough draft) early can be helpful and re-focuses you on your goal. See the outline below if you’re not sure what should be included and check the PPP Guide for more detail.
  • You should have a solid first draft of your product completed before the break, so your supervisor can provide some feedback and you can still work on your product over the break.
  • The product should be due when you get back in January, giving you more than a month for the report
  • Please continue to reflect, especially when things get tough and keep the AtL in mind (self-management, research, communication etc).

    The first section of your report should have the following components (Crit. A: Investigating):

  • Personal interests that led to the goal
  • Goal statement or inquiry question and product
  • Global Context – which strand and why this is appropriate to the goal
  • Prior knowledge that will be drawn upon – subject knowledge and/or experiential knowledge
  • The sources used – choose at least 5  sources and discuss how they helped with understanding the goal and creating the product.

    NEXT UP: Specifications, which can be done in a bulleted list or a rubric.