Choosing Journal Extracts

Here’s a handy checklist to help you choose your process journal samples:

Green-Check-MarkSamples showing dates from August through February.

Green-Check-MarkSamples are truthful (your supervisor will know if you add embellishments!)

Green-Check-MarkSamples show your self-management, research, thinking, and communication skills.

Green-Check-MarkSome sources are shown. They are correctly cited and are evaluated for positives, negatives, biases, etc.

Green-Check-MarkYou’ve included your original goal and a plan for doing it.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show discussion of problems that came up and how you fixed them.

Green-Check-MarkSamples show what your supervisor discussed and what you did based on the feedback.

Green-Check-MarkReflections are critical and not just narrations.


One sample might meet several requirements. For example, your plan dated in August will also show self-management skills. Your reflection on your supervisor’s feedback – dated in October – will show progress over time, reflection, and supervisor discussion. Go through your process journal and make sure that you pick really good samples that meet as many band descriptors as possible!
Here’s the band descriptors that go with your checklist:
*the process journal has been built up regularly covering the entire period of the project
*a genuine document that has accompanied the student throughout the process and has been used productively
*all ATL behaviours shown
*sources are recorded
*includes evidence of goal setting and planning to achieve the goal
*problems encountered are recorded and solutions suggested as a result of debate and discussion
*dialogue between student and supervisor recorded and evidence of action based on supervisor’s feedback
*reflections on the progress of the project are meaningful

Creative Environments in Creating Products

As a musician, I really believe that creativity flows best when I’m rested and relaxed. When I’m comfy in pajamas, with some hot chocolate, I find my creative juices start flowing and I get into “the zone.” For me, I get a lot of great work done during the winter holiday – I come back rested, but well prepared for what lies ahead at school.

In the same way, you have a lot of work that needs to be done on your PPP directly after the holidays.

January 15: Submit first draft of your report and process journal to your supervisor
January 30: Submit final draft of your report and process journal to your supervisor
February 6: Collection of all work, whether finished or not
March 7: PPP Exhibition

However, Winter Holiday is going to offer you a great opportunity to do a lot of high quality, relaxing work on your PPP. It’s a time when exams are done, your other work has been submitted, and now you can really focus on your product.

Your product needs to be finished by the time you return from Winter Holiday because January will be spent writing your final report.

So stay in your pajamas… put your process journal beside you… grab a holiday treat… and enjoy working on your product.

A Variety of Sources

Your reference list needs a variety of sources. What does the word variety mean? says, “a number of different types of things, especially ones in the same general category.” So a variety of sources means a number of different sources in the same reference list.

What does a “variety” of sources look like?

Books – See the school library. Go to Take your passport to the Nanjing Public Library at Daxingong and get a library card.

Journal Articles – You can find these using the new EBSCOhost researching tool. Also, some peer-reviewed, professional journals are now publishing online, for free!

Newspapers – Check to which papers our library subscribes. Also check online – most of the major newspapers also have online versions.

Magazines – Check with Mr. Lockwood and Mrs. Rinker to see which magazines the school subscribes. You can also purchase magazines from the iTunes store through In-App purchasing.

Videos – These can be online (like YouTube) or they can be DVDs.

Audio Files – These can be music files or a CD. Last year a student studied how music soothes insomniacs and used audio files in her reference list.

Encyclopedias – Sometimes you need to start off by introducing your topic, and what better way to find a short, concise definition than through our local encyclopedias. Check with Mrs. Rinker.

Personal Communications –
According to the APA manual, you can include a personal communication in your reference list if you provide a word-for-word transcription; otherwise, put your communications into your appendices.

Technical Reports – Doing a report on chemical properties? Technical reports are good sources of information.

Informally Published Works – IBO guidelines and manuals count as informally published works. If you have defined your AOI or have quoted about your AOI, you also need to cite the IBO.

Conference Papers / Lecture Notes – Many big conferences will post the speeches given. Some universities (e.g. Stanford) publish their lecture notes for free.

Government Reports, Acts & Laws – Some countries publish their reports, acts, and laws online, for free. I know that Canada, America, and China all do this. If you want to see how your topic is considered by specific countries, then check online.

Picking An AOI

An Area of Interaction is like taking directions using Google Maps. Are you going to pick the fastest route? The most fuel efficient route? Or the most scenic route? All go to a final destination, and yet all are very different trips. In the same way, your PPP’s AOI is going to determine in which direction your work goes.


Let’s look at an example: Basketball

Human Ingenuity: Creation and the Consequences of Creation
– How are plays and calls created by coaches? What the consequences of specific calls? How can a creative call/play be a determining factor as to who wins the game?

Environments: Man-made and natural environments
– What environments produce NBA stars? What are the best practicing environments?

Health & Social Education: Physical, social and emotional health and intelligence
– How can you play basketball safely? What injuries can be sustained from improper practicing techniques? What sports injuries are most typically linked to basketball and how can they be avoided?

Community & Service: Developing awareness and a sense of responsibility towards the community
– What after school programs are available for underprivileged children? How can basketball be used as an additional outreach program in your community?

Now, take your topic and do the same thing.

What does your topic look like if you think about humans creating and the results of creating?

How could you study the environmental-influences or impact of your topic?

How could your topic relate to health or social issues?

How could your topic impact your local community?

Be sure to pick an Area of Interaction that fits nicely — Don’t force it. Also, go see a friend and ask their opinions. Often one AOI definitely *won’t* fit, but two *might* fit, so you have to make your decision carefully.