24 hours before due date: Final Instructions

Personal Project: Final Instructions


Wednesday February 20th.

  • HARD copy of Report and Excerpt of Process Journal  to supervisor by 15:45
  • Product or evidence of outcome  to supervisor by 15:45
  • SOFT copy of Report and Excerpt of Process Journal to Drop Box is 18:00  Student large storage

2 PDF files in a folder with your name: PPP_first&last name_Report

PPP_first&last name_Excerpt

  • PDF Soft copy of Report to Turnitin due at 18:00  (PDF only)


Note: If supervisor is absent bring hard copies and product to C-142 before 15:45 Mr Morin


Structure of Report

Report Structure:

Title Page ( Student name, school name, year, title of project and length (word count if written)

Define the goal  including  (Title of project, Context, a clear goal,  how you intend to achieve your goal and an AoI focus)

Selection of Sources

Application of Information

Achieving the goal

Reflection on Learning



Excerpt of Process Journal  is a different document

The process journal is handed in to supervisor on due date and  may be returned to student.


Week 22 Feed back to one student can help you as well

Here is an example of feedback from Ms Keus to one student.  It is detailed and could help everyone with their last revision of report.

1) Your goal paragraph is unfocused and in past tense. It reads more like an “abstract” than an introduction. It needs to be in future tense and you need to state what your goal is and how you hope to achieve it
2) You have not listed your guiding question
3) You need to define your AOI more clearly
4) Specifications aren’t always clear
5) Selection of Sources has no in-text citations (which means you aren’t allowed to have a reference list, since they are matching pairs)
6) Your description of sources is vague because you don’t evaluate specific sources, but rather just talk about general genres.
7) You have off-topic sentences (e.g. talking about getting books when you should be evaluating books)
8) Your application of information section is too small
9) Your reflection on learning section meets only 1 of the 3 criteria descriptors – You have not reflected on your learning or on your AOI
10) Your reference list has incorrect information. You have not added authors’ names and dates even when they are readily available.
11) Appendices need to be finished

Week 18: Working on your Report

Next Wednesday of week 19 is the due date to hand in a draft version of your report.

Make an appointment with your supervisor and expect feedback in the following days.

The valuable feedback will help you improve your performance.

If you don’t meet this deadline: contact your supervisor.

Getting feedback on your draft is very helpful. Make sure this is happening before CNY.

The final deadline for your report and product is Wednesday February 19, 6:00 PM.






Week: 11 Variety of Sources

Your reference list needs a variety of sources. What does the word variety mean?
Dictionary.com says, “a number of different types of things, especially ones in the same general category.” So a variety of sources means a number of different sources in the same reference list.

What does a “variety” of sources look like?

Books – See the school library. Go to www.amazon.cn. Take your passport to the Nanjing Public Library at Daxingong and get a library card.

Journal Articles – You can find these using the new EBSCOhost researching tool. Also, some peer-reviewed, professional journals are now publishing online, for free!

Newspapers – Check to which papers our library subscribes. Also check online – most of the major newspapers also have online versions.

Magazines – Check with Mr. Lockwood and Mrs. Rinker to see which magazines the school subscribes. You can also purchase magazines from the iTunes store through In-App purchasing.

Videos – These can be online (like YouTube) or they can be DVDs.

Audio Files – These can be music files or a CD. Last year a student studied how music soothes insomniacs and used audio files in her reference list.

Encyclopedias – Sometimes you need to start off by introducing your topic, and what better way to find a short, concise definition than through our local encyclopedias. Check with Mrs. Rinker.

Personal Communications –
 According to the APA manual, you can include a personal communication in your reference list if you provide a word-for-word transcription; otherwise, put your communications into your appendices.

Technical Reports – Doing a report on chemical properties? Technical reports are good sources of information.

Informally Published Works – IBO guidelines and manuals count as informally published works. If you have defined your AOI or have quoted about your AOI, you also need to cite the IBO.

Conference Papers / Lecture Notes – Many big conferences will post the speeches given. Some universities (e.g. Stanford) publish their lecture notes for free.

Government Reports, Acts & Laws – Some countries publish their reports, acts, and laws online, for free. I know that Canada, America, and China all do this. If you want to see how your topic is considered by specific countries, then check online.

Week 10: Journal and Report Format


Make sure you meet your supervisor this week for a progress report.  Bring updated journal with you.

If you are considering presenting your report or journal in a format other than written, you must inform Mr. Morin and your supervisor by e-mail. Please explain your choice in a short paragraph.


Email subject : FORMAT of PPP DOCUMENTS

To:  Francis Morin <Francismorin@staff.nanjing-school.com>

CC: Your Supervisor

According to the Guide :



PPP 4 Boxes: A new and improved document (week 5)

Dear PPP students,

We have redesigned the 4 Boxes document. Please start using it from now on.  It may take a few minutes but the time invested will allow you to reflect on the quality and the level of alignment.

Use that document when you meet your supervisor for your next weekly visit.

Keep all documents and changes in your journal.

PPP 4 Boxes 1314 Final