Exhibition Final Details

Thursday March 7 is the Exhibition

You are expected to:

Dress up for the occasion

Be prepared to show your product (Collect from Mr. Morin if stored in his class)

Answer questions from visitors

Show your report  (You will receive original printed copy from Mr. Morin)

Show your Process Journal (Your Supervisor has your original. Collect today or before 9:30)

Have “visuals” behind your table (Title, topic, support material)

Exhibition: March 7

The Personal Project Exhibition will be on Thursday March 7. The exhibition will be based in the the Centre’s third floor multipurpose room. Each student has a table, a chair and 1/2 of a bulletin board as a standard set up. If you need additional material or space let Mr Morin know by lunch Monday  March 4th.If you are planning to use your laptops make sure it is fully charged the night before.


PPP Material or Space Request  (Send to Mr Morin before Monday March 4)

Student name:

Explain need:






Turn It In Problems Fixed

Hi Students (and Supervisors)-

For those of you who experienced some problems with submitting your paper to Turnitin.com, the problems should be fixed now and so please try again.

All students should check to see that they only have ONE (1) account created in Turnitin using their school email address. If you have any other accounts created with other email addresses (Gmail, Hotmail etc) please delete these accounts and use your school email only (note that you use the same account for all of your various teachers and classes).

If you have further problems, please come see Mrs. Rinker in the library-

Congrats on being done! Have a wonderfully restful holiday!

Mrs. Rinker

Last 24 hours

Please review last Blog Post about Final Instructions. ( It has been modified slightly)

Only one Hard copy needed

Report to Turnitin before 16:00 tomorrow: A PDF version of your REPORT

(You should only submit once)

Turnitin.com    UserID is your school Email Address:
Class ID: 6088629
         PW: ppp123

FInal Instructions (Turnitin + Only one hard copy needed)


Please read final instructions:  Bring questions to Homeroom :

You need to export your Report from  “Pages” to PDF.

From “Pages” document to PDF:  Share / export / PDF   

PP Soft copy of REPORT in PDF format to turnitin.com   Class ID: 6088629   PW: ppp123

PP REPORT:  A PDF Soft copy and 1 printed copy of your REPORT to your supervisor

PP PROCESS JOURNAL:  Original PROCESS JOURNAL to your supervisor

EXCERPT of PROCESS JOURNAL:  A PDF soft copy and 1 printed copy to supervisor (10 to 20 entries)

PRODUCT:  The Product to your supervisor

(e-product should be hand in by 16:00 ( USB, email or airdrop to supervisor)









Week20: Final Week

Due Wednesday February 6 before 16:00  (To your supervisor )

-The entire Process journal (all together)

– Excerpt of Process Journal (10 to 20 best entries)

– PPP Report  (including Appendices and reference list)

– Product

You have one week to improve your Personal Project based on the feedback received from your supervisor.


Students trailing behind must report to “PPP Lunch Club” every first part of lunch every day until February 6. 

Week 19: Draft of Report due Friday


The first draft of your report is due on Friday to your supervisor.

Please plan a meeting in person :


Report Structure:

Title Page ( Student name, school name, year, title of project and length (word count if written)

Introduction including  (Context, a clear goal,  how you intend to achieve your goal and an AoI focus)

Selection of Sources

Application of Information

Achieving the goal

Reflection on Learning


Appendices to report



Coming up next week and due before Friday of week 20


Excerpt of Process Journal 

10 to 20 of your best entries from your process journal

You should select entries showing well developed:

organisation skills, collaboration with supervisor, information literacy, thinking and reflection

(If you have less than 20 entries all together it may be good to only present your best 10 out of 20)



Creative Environments in Creating Products

As a musician, I really believe that creativity flows best when I’m rested and relaxed. When I’m comfy in pajamas, with some hot chocolate, I find my creative juices start flowing and I get into “the zone.” For me, I get a lot of great work done during the winter holiday – I come back rested, but well prepared for what lies ahead at school.

In the same way, you have a lot of work that needs to be done on your PPP directly after the holidays.

January 15: Submit first draft of your report and process journal to your supervisor
January 30: Submit final draft of your report and process journal to your supervisor
February 6: Collection of all work, whether finished or not
March 7: PPP Exhibition

However, Winter Holiday is going to offer you a great opportunity to do a lot of high quality, relaxing work on your PPP. It’s a time when exams are done, your other work has been submitted, and now you can really focus on your product.

Your product needs to be finished by the time you return from Winter Holiday because January will be spent writing your final report.

So stay in your pajamas… put your process journal beside you… grab a holiday treat… and enjoy working on your product.

A Variety of Sources

Your reference list needs a variety of sources. What does the word variety mean?
Dictionary.com says, “a number of different types of things, especially ones in the same general category.” So a variety of sources means a number of different sources in the same reference list.

What does a “variety” of sources look like?

Books – See the school library. Go to www.amazon.cn. Take your passport to the Nanjing Public Library at Daxingong and get a library card.

Journal Articles – You can find these using the new EBSCOhost researching tool. Also, some peer-reviewed, professional journals are now publishing online, for free!

Newspapers – Check to which papers our library subscribes. Also check online – most of the major newspapers also have online versions.

Magazines – Check with Mr. Lockwood and Mrs. Rinker to see which magazines the school subscribes. You can also purchase magazines from the iTunes store through In-App purchasing.

Videos – These can be online (like YouTube) or they can be DVDs.

Audio Files – These can be music files or a CD. Last year a student studied how music soothes insomniacs and used audio files in her reference list.

Encyclopedias – Sometimes you need to start off by introducing your topic, and what better way to find a short, concise definition than through our local encyclopedias. Check with Mrs. Rinker.

Personal Communications –
According to the APA manual, you can include a personal communication in your reference list if you provide a word-for-word transcription; otherwise, put your communications into your appendices.

Technical Reports – Doing a report on chemical properties? Technical reports are good sources of information.

Informally Published Works – IBO guidelines and manuals count as informally published works. If you have defined your AOI or have quoted about your AOI, you also need to cite the IBO.

Conference Papers / Lecture Notes – Many big conferences will post the speeches given. Some universities (e.g. Stanford) publish their lecture notes for free.

Government Reports, Acts & Laws – Some countries publish their reports, acts, and laws online, for free. I know that Canada, America, and China all do this. If you want to see how your topic is considered by specific countries, then check online.

PP Initiative from around the world


Dear International School Friends,

My name is Aseye Banini, and for the past few months I have been working on a blog for my MYP Personal Project. My blog is called “Crash Course Guide to being a Third Culture Kid”. The topic of my blog is how to be a third culture kid, or in other words an expat kid living overseas. My blog has lots of advice and stories about living abroad.

I have experience on this topic because I have lived in three different countries for fifteen years before I came to live in Ghana, the country I come from. These “foreign” countries are Australia (5years) where I was born, USA (2years) and Indonesia (8years). The blog is also good for moving around, settling down, and just figuring out what a Third Culture Kid is. I want to share this with ASA school because the things I write about might be things your students are going through. The link for the blog is www.tckness.jux.com, and if you have any comments about my blog email me at abanini@lincoln.edu.gh.  You can also sign up, to be a follower and also share your experience, at jux www.jux.com.


Aseye Banini,

Grade 10, Lincoln Community School

Apply Information

As you work on your project, you need to demonstrate that you are applying your what you have learned in your research.

As you continue to collect information and reach a wide variety of sources, take note in your process journal:

-Of Influence from sources that will impact the way you achieve your goal and create your product.

-Ideas or techniques that you will use during your process.


Here is the descriptor of the highest band level:

The student demonstrates well-developed transfer and application of information to make decisions, create solutions and develop understandings in connection with the
projectʼs goal.

Here are some paragraph starters that might get you thinking…

“These two sources contain contradicting information. I will need to determine why… First I will… ”
“Since I have learned that… (some information), this affects my project because … ”
“Based on my research, the following factors are most central in creating my product because… ”
“One way for me to test this (information) is to … (outline steps).”
“Before doing my research, I hadn’t realised that … (some information). This means that I will … ” (identify and explain some action you will take).

Mr Morin and Mrs. Tyoschina