Why might people need religion?
What are the major religions in the world? Where do they practice these religions?
Who are the religious leaders of the world?
What do you think of this explanation of religion and God?
2. Belief Systems QUIZ – how much do you already know?
Answers: RELIGION Quiz
3. POWERPOINT on the Major Religions: 5 Major World Religions
- TED : Watch this introductory video on the 5 major world religions: CONNECT, EXTEND & CHALLENGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6dCxo7t_aE
Choose one of the religions.
Create a poster (A3). Try to include the information below but you can also add more and use visuals to make it interesting – remember we will use these posters to prepare for the guest speakers.
Dates, founder, symbols. practices (traditions) – map, sects, important ‘ideas’ or rules, stories of creation. place of prayer, holy books – USE THE QUIZ and POWERPOINT. PERSPECTIVES – from people who practice the religion.
5. Find the definitions of the following words and create visuals to show your understanding of these words: monotheism, polytheism, atheism, symbolism, sacred, prophet, temple, ritual, sacrifice, creation, deity, commandments, immortal, tenet, preach, mythology, pantheon, worship, revere, omnipotent, afterlife, karma, sin, mosque, synagogue, covenant, pilgrimage, shrine
Preparing for GUEST SPEAKERS:
Next draw a KWL chart in your notebooks. Fill out the first two columns. What do you already know about a religion? What more would you like to know about that religion? USE this column to generate good question for the guest speakers. Here is an example of a KWL chartKWL chart KWL Chart.
ANIMATED MAP of World History?
Creation story from Hinduism:What do people in China believe? ATL skill: Thinking
Extension: What similarities and differences are there between the 5 major world religions?