Tech Committee – New Date

Hello all,

It appears that the original date for the next Teach-Meet/Tech Committee will have some other excellent things happening at the same time, namely the KidsRead Competition.  Due to this, we will reschedule our event to the date below.  Please update your calendars!

Come and join us for our  next “Tech Committee”-”New Literacies Teach-Meet”

What: A relaxed, sharing, spurring ideas group
Where: Design | Strategy Room (C115)
When: 1:10 – 2:00pm Friday, February 13, 2015
Who: All teachers, TAs, and staff are welcome
Why: To bounce ideas off one another.
How: Please pick up your lunch and bring it along.  Feel free to drop in late if you pass by and see us chatting.
To Share: Please add items here –

  • Do you use neat programs, subscriptions, or online resources in class that you would like to share with others?
  • How about an app that would be neat for learning or life?
  • Do you have certain techniques for teaching that others should know about?
  • Are there things you would just like to share?