Miss Keus is away on professional development, but intermediate orchestra will continue with substitute conductors. Please come with Mamma Mia and your instruments ready.
Language Acquisition
This week the Language Acquisition post will look at helping non native students understand what you say.
Helping Non Native Students Understand What You Say 1:
Listening is easier if supported by visual material. Apart fromm pictures or diagrams of what is being talked about, it is often helpful for them to have key words written on the board.
MCPHS University, formerly Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
MCPHS University (Massachusetts, Manchester, New Hampshire.)
Monday 9th March 9.15am @HS Counsellor’s Office – Talks for prospective students on pharmacy, premed, nursing or other healthcare majors. Information on careers out there for students who chose to major in the health sciences. Email me NOW if you are interested in attending… Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, at the discretion of their teachers.
INSET survey – reminder
Dear Colleagues,
Please remember to fill in the February INSET survey before the end of the day today.
Thank you,
We need empty kitchen rolls, Pringles tubes etc for Earth Hour. We would also like large paper cups, e.g. the McDonalds variety. Please drop them off in the box outside C122. THANK YOU.