Tasks can range in difficulty along one continuum from cognitively undemanding to cognitively demanding; and along another continuum from context-embedded to context-reduced. A context-embedded task is one in which the student has access to a range of additional visual and oral cues; for example a one with illustrations of what is being talked about. A context-reduced task is one such as listening to a lecture or reading dense text, where there are no other sources of help than the language itself. A task which is both cognitively demanding and context- reduced, is likely to be the most difficult for students.
PM2.5 readings in Week 26
Dear all, please refer to enclosed weekly updates on PM2.5 readings.
CISSA Basketball starts this week
A reminder that CISSA basketball has started this week. For juniors (Gr5&6), practices are on Mondays 4.20 – 5.30pm and Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.1pm. If you missed Monday’s session, don’t worry, sign up on Veracross and go along on Wednesday. For Seniors (Gr7-8), practices are Tuesdays (today) and Thursdays 4.20 – 5.30pm.
Duties Wednesday-Friday
I will be away in the IB Asia-Pacific conference. Marina is kindly taking care of duties in my absence, so please email her any duty related mail.
G12 Mock Exams
Mock exams run from today until March 25. Please do not use the corridor in front of the MYP LGR. Thanks for your understanding, and good luck to the G12s.