Day: March 29, 2015

Language Acquisition


This week the Language Acquisition post will look at helping non native speakers understand reading texts.

Helping Non Native Speaker Understand Reading Texts 1


Students, particularly non native speakers, may have problems that are caused solely by the fact that what they are trying to understand has been poorly printed or copied, is badly set-out or is in a very small type-face.

Earth Hour Thanks

Many thanks to everyone who helped to make the Earth Hour event such a success on Saturday. The students, teachers and parents involved in organising activities were fantastic. Those who performed in some way were wonderful. Facilities performed miracles as always.

Don’t let it be in vain-USE YOUR POWER to make some small changes that could make a big difference.

The winners of the best ‘trashion’ outfits were Sophia Rinker and Sofia Saavedra Adams. The eco-logo and bin designs competitions will be judged this week.

We interrupt this bulletin for a police message…

Further to the unfortunate discovery of a dead body in the Black Box on Friday last, the police would like to announce the opening of an investigation into the circumstances of death, if, indeed, death it is proved to be, as it were. In order to facilitate this investigation, we would like to urge the NIS community to put themselves, as it were, into the hands of Scotland Backyard’s finest, Inspector Hound.

The Inspector will be present, in person and in attendance, as it were, at NIS on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Meanwhile, the Inspector urges the community not to be in the least worried – even though it seems that the killer is in our midst – and to take our minds off the matter by being on the lookout for a sinister and mysterious personage described as being of medium height and build, wearing a darkish suit and lightish shirt, and quite possibly behaving, or indeed acting, as a madman.

Further to this announcement, the Inspector has made a request for aid in identifying the as yet unclaimed dead body, described as longish, tallish and thinnish. Anyone who thinks they may know, or personally be acquainted with, a dead body that fits this description is politely, but not too politely, asked to be in attendance at the Black Box on Wednesday, 1st April and Thursday, 2nd April at 7pm precisely, when all, as is the manner of these things, will be revealed.