Day: April 29, 2015


Tonight, at 7pm, #pypchat on twitter. Tonight’s topic is Concept Driven Learning. See wiki for possible questions and resources.

  1. What is concept based learning?
  2. What are the advantages of concept based teaching/ learning?
  3. What are the challenges in concept based teaching /learning?
  4. What are the big ideas (concepts!) in concept based learning?
  5. How do you introduce concepts to students?
  6. What strategies do you use for supporting students in thinking beyond the facts to big conceptual ideas?
  7. How do you assess understanding of concepts?
  8. If you could add one key concept to those offered by the IB, what might it be?
  9. How do you explore concepts across disciplines? How do you plan for transdisciplinary approach?

Nurse Lilian

Good morning!
As of next week, Lucy Mrstica will take on the role of school nurse for the remainder of the school year as Lilian will be away on maternity leave.
As today is Lilian’s last day this school year, please stop by with your happy wishes. We await the exciting news of the birth of her baby.

BOJ Notice

Any application for telegraphic transfer and foreign currency exchange will NOT be processed during International Labour Day Holiday from May 1 (Thursday) to May 3 (Sunday), 2015.

deVere Independent Financial Advisors

Dear all,
Pls refer to the Laurie’s message below.
Have a nice day before the May Holiday!
Ralph Woodcock of deVere Independent Financial Advisors will be at NIS on Thursday to visit clients and speak to anyone who would like advice. He will be based in the staff room from morning break. NIS does not endorse any financial advisor but does advise colleagues to plan for the future.

Thursday, April 30th-Buy Something Sweet-Help Someone in Need

Grade Five Students will be outside the library raising money for social causes and donating to Kiva, Ray of Light, and Refugee relief.  We realize that there are too many people in the world who don’t have enough.  Our action can help a few, and together we can help many!

th We will sell cupcakes, cookies, carrot cake, and more!! Price: 5 to 15 RMB