This year’s fantastic edition of the Purple Duck arts and literary magazine was launched into flight last night at a magical party featuring PYP song and Bollywood dance, art installations and literary readings at the open mic, followed by live music from several acts, all taking place on several stages. It was a music and arts festival quite unlike anything NIS has seen before.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s magazine – we couldn’t have done it without your talents. And a very big thank you to those who performed last night – graciously, poetically, and movingly – and those who helped put the evening together, in small ways and large. Special thank yous to Ms.Yuen for her usual professional photographic work, and to Mr.Kay for all his time, his wealth of experience, and for the use of his venerable desktop computer.
And finally, a huge flap of the Purple Duck’s wings goes out in appreciation to the Purple Duck team for their inspired party-organising skills and for all their hard work spent bringing you the best arts and literary magazine in China! This year’s team was: Michelle Lei, Maristella Witt, Emma Sonevang, Brydie Dwyer, Jannik Schwachta, Minna Sonevang, Alicia Liu and Sophia Liu.
Don’t forget, the Purple Duck magazine will be on sale at various outlets over the next two weeks. Make sure you get one before they sell out! A mere 60RMB for one, 100RMB for two!