Day: June 4, 2015

The Duck Is In Flight

This year’s fantastic edition of the Purple Duck arts and literary magazine was launched into flight last night at a magical party featuring PYP song and Bollywood dance, art installations and literary readings at the open mic, followed by live music from several acts, all taking place on several stages. It was a music and arts festival quite unlike anything NIS has seen before.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this year’s magazine – we couldn’t have done it without your talents. And a very big thank you to those who performed last night – graciously, poetically, and movingly – and those who helped put the evening together, in small ways and large. Special thank yous to Ms.Yuen for her usual professional photographic work, and to Mr.Kay for all his time, his wealth of experience, and for the use of his venerable desktop computer.

And finally, a huge flap of the Purple Duck’s wings goes out in appreciation to the Purple Duck team for their inspired party-organising skills and for all their hard work spent bringing you the best arts and literary magazine in China! This year’s team was: Michelle Lei, Maristella Witt, Emma Sonevang, Brydie Dwyer, Jannik Schwachta, Minna Sonevang, Alicia Liu and Sophia Liu.

Don’t forget, the Purple Duck magazine will be on sale at various outlets over the next two weeks. Make sure you get one before they sell out! A mere 60RMB for one, 100RMB for two!

Student Council President/Vice President Elections

Today is the big day to elect the SC leaders for the 2015-16 school year. The candidates are:

Team A: Catherine and Luke

Team B: Kostya and Cameron

After assembly in your homerooms, you will cast your vote for who you would like to see leading the student council next year. Every vote counts!

Tech Committee Meeting Today

Join us for a Tech Committee Meeting today at lunch in the MYP LGR. This informal group meets occasionally to discuss NIS Tech topics and help plan for the future of Tech @ NIS.

All interested staff are welcome/encouraged to attend.

Topics on tap for this week:

  • Technology and Information Literacy
  • Yosemite updates
  • Microsoft Office roll-out INSET
  • Acceptable use guidelines
  • Minimum vs. recommended


Dear Colleagues,
Please remember that the PYP LGR and kitchen is unavailable for bookings during the school day for the remainder of the school year as this is the temporary learning space for our LSS students and teachers.

Thank you,

FYI: Expiring Theme

The default Edublogs Theme we use is set to expire in about 30 days. I’ve gone ahead and changed the Theme to “Able”. This has changed the look of the website to a white background with a light grey menu bar.

Screen Shot 2015-06-04 at 3.54.15 PM


GAMEDAY is returning today during lunch in the PYP LGR (the temporary LSS area). Bring your games, bring your friends, bring some food (for the teachers of course), and bring some skills! Spoons, Jenga, Uno and many many more!

Bring. It. On.

Afternoon of Rock

Tricycle (or however you spell it!) is organising an ‘Afternoon of Rock’ on Friday, June 5th, at 3:15 in the school’s courtyard. There’s going to be several bands, so it’s going to be a rockin’ good time. Please stop by on your way out, or better yet stay and enjoy! For more information, please see Charlie, Jack or Olivier.