Day: June 5, 2015


We’re seeing adware on people computers. We are now monitoring the school network for this type of activity and following up with those who are infected. If you see Adware behaviour on your computer please have it fixed. Stop by our Apple store or  email

Where does it come from?

Adware often comes packaged in installers for other software. Most often, this is because something was downloaded illegally from a torrent or piracy site. Sometimes it is because it has been added to a legit piece of software by an unscrupulous download site. (Even well-known download sites, such as and Softonic, have resorted to this kind of unethical behavior, and should never be used.) Other times it is because a developer has opted to use an adware-riddled installer, provided with incentives from the adware creator, to distribute their software. It could even be installed through deceit, by pretending to be something that it is not in order to trick the user into installing it. (This last type is usually the only type that is detected as malware by anti-virus software.)

What are the symptoms?

The most typical symptom of such adware is the display of advertisements on your Mac where none should exist. Adware also will often change your browser’s home page and search engine settings, and may even cause redirects from legit sites to sites constructed for the financial benefit of the adware developer. It can also cause secondary problems, such as web pages displaying incorrectly (due to insertion of foreign HTML code) or browser crashes.

Fix it by Scanning with AdwareMedic

Download and run AdwareMedic

AdwareMedic will scan your system and help you remove any known adware automatically. Please read the AdwareMedic documentation, which can also be found by clicking the Get Help button in the app. Be sure to pay attention to any prompts, as you may need to decide whether or not to delete certain preference files, or may need to restart the computer and then do another scan. Read the prompts carefully, and be sure you understand and follow all instructions.

If you are unable to download AdwareMedic because the Download button redirects you to other sites (such as the MacKeeper site) or because the AdwareMedic site pops open for a fraction of a second before being replaced with a page that says your browser can’t find the server, you are infected with the Downlite adware. It is actively trying to prevent you from downloading AdwareMedic. See us in the Apple store or email

Upgrade Your Computer!

Please use the following link to sign up for a time to have your computer upgraded.

We will back up your computer for you, but suggest you complete your own backup as well.

All staff computers must be upgraded to Yosemite and have Microsoft Office installed before the start of the 2015/2016 school year, so we appreciate your help in making this happen.

Thanks to those who have already signed up!
If you have questions, please email