Each week’s school bell is a 15 – 20 second song clip that is chosen by a different homeroom and advisory group. Classes that choose to submit a bell will hear their clip sometime in the upcoming 36 school weeks. If there aren’t enough bells submitted, then individual / teacher bells are also accepted. If your class would like to submit a bell, please drop it onto the server at the following address:
Studentlargestorage / Music / School Bells.
Name your file like this: ClassName – Title – Artist.mp3
Here’s some rules / advice:
1. All lyrics must be appropriate.
2.The file should be high quality (not taken from a crackly YouTube video, e.g.)
3. The file must not have a GarageBand metronome ticking in the background. (If you need help turning it off, then please see Miss Keus)
4. The song must be less than 20 seconds long (15 seconds is preferred).
You can see when your video will be played, or find the name of the current week’s song, at the following link.
For more information, please see Miss Keus.