Day: August 28, 2015

PYP Student Council officers

Ladies and gentlemen, here are the 2015-2016 PYP student council officers:

  • President: Angele


  • Vice-President: Fiona


  • Secretaries: Casey and Mathilda


  • Publicity officers: Yongsuh and Suyeon


PYP Student Council will be using the display board outside Ms. Gijzen’s office so that PYP student voices are heard.



What is Homework Club? A quiet space where you can complete your out-of-class learning assignments, get organized, get your questions answered, and get prepared for a great semester!

Who is there? ANYONE from grades 6-12 can come. There is always 1 LSS teacher, 1 Maths/Science teacher, and one English/Humanities teacher available to answer any of your questions.

When is it? Today and every Monday from 3:15-4:15

Where is it? In the brand new, b-e-a-utiful Learning Support area around the corner from Mr. Messom’s classroom and the PAC.

See you there!