Grade 10 – You will be working on your PPP with Mr Morin and PPP team.
Grade 11 – You need to log in to Family Connections and click the About Me tab. On the left you will see a link to ‘Grade 11 Survey’. Please fill this out as comprehensively as possible. It will take you more than this block, so plan to complete it this weekend. It will be crucial for the new Counsellor next year to have as much information as possible about you and your post-school thinking, so make it thorough.
Grade 12 – College Essays and Personal Statements should be almost done. Have you had either myself or an English teacher check your draft? Other application materials may need putting together and finalising for the December 1 deadline in school. As a bare minimum, you MUST have colleges listed in your ‘colleges I am applying to’, even if you are applying to Korea, Europe or Australia…