Day: March 29, 2016

Reminder about the Weekly Bulletin Submissions for Week 28 & 29

Dear All,

As we have a holiday next week please make sure that if you have any information for Week 29 it is in included in this week’s edition.

After this week’s post on 1st April,the next bulletin will come out on Friday 15th April.


Sue in Admissions


Yoga Fundraiser

Thanks goes to all those involved, especially Neila for organizing the yoga fundraiser for Ray of Light Cambodia.  1400 rmb was raised.  This is perfect timing as Ray of Light Cambodia is going to be adding, in July, an orphanage to the list of projects it supports.

Korean Library Helper Needed

PastedGraphic-3The library has some new Korean books that need to be entered into the computer system. Please contact Mrs. Rinker if you are interested in helping out!

Inter-House Football

The Inter-House Football will take place on Thursday this week for Grades 9 to 12 students. Please speak to one of your House captains if you are interested in taking part. If you are not playing please come along at the start of lunchtime and cheer for your House.

MYP Student Led Conferences

Hello Students in Grades 6-10,

A reminder that tomorrow are our annual Student Led Conferences. You know, that one day a year when you actually get to show your parents what you do all day at school. Don’t worry, Thursday you can go back to the usual script of:  Mom & Dad: “How was your day at school, honey?” You: “Fine.” …. and, scene.

So, here’s the plan for tomorrow:

  1. Show up with a parent or two, a charged laptop, and a positive attitude.
  2. Sign-in with one of our smiling teachers in the Centre Foyer.
  3. Visit each of your classes with a parent/parents.
  4. Show off.
  5. Dry the tears of joy your parents have after realizing that you are amazing.
  6. Repeat until finished
  7. Enjoy the rest of your day!