Day: April 13, 2016

2016-17 Calendar

Dear Colleagues,

If you are responsible for any events that need to be put on the printed calendar for next year, please enter these on the calendar, located behind reception, starting today at 3:30pm through to the end of the day next Thursday, April 21.

Thank you,


DRAFT Timetables 2016-17

Good morning,

Before lunch today you will find a copy of your DRAFT timetable in your pigeonhole.

Please send any queries to both me and Andrew Messom.

Thank you – have a great Thursday!


OWC & PingAn monthly visit (10:30~16:00, April 20, 2016 @ H303 Centre)

Dear overseas staff,

The monthly visit of OWC & PingAn will be on Wed. April 20, 2016 from 10:30 to 16:00 @ H303 Centre. The schedule will be:

10:30-11:15am – One World Cover (NIS’ medical insurance broker)
11:15am-4pm – Ping An Health and One World Cover

Best wishes,
