Day: April 29, 2016

Mindfulness recordings

Here are the two mindfulness recordings I referred to earlier last week. Designed for MYP/DP students, but anybody in the community is welcome to try them out.

Mindfulness tracks

Interhouse Music

This year’s interhouse music competition will be in two weeks, which is plenty of time for the houses to practice. Which song? Well, we’ve had rock, country, and jazz, so this time we are going for… (drum roll, please)… RAP! Yes, each house needs to find at least one rapper to help support the song.

Music: Stressed Out, by 21 Pilots

Sheet Music: StudentlargeStorage / Music / Interhouse

If you have any questions, please see Miss Keus or Ms. Heidi in the music area.

Athletics Day today

The attached list  gives all the student numbers for today. Please make sure you write your number clearly down your left arm, ideally in permanent marker pen. Like this:

number on arm Screen Shot 2016-04-28 at 9.22.31 PM


After advisory go to:

Taiping – cafeteria

Xuanwu – Gym

Wutaishan – MYP LGR