Day: May 24, 2016

Annual PE Equipment Recall

Yes, it is that time of year again where we do a big general call out for any PE equipment that you have borrowed or may have turned up in your rooms or that students have found around the place and ask that you please return it to the PE office. Alternatively, you could email me and I am happy to come and collect any items from you. Ideally I would like to have the inventory list updated next week (Grade 10’s will be out on work week so I have some time), so by the end of this week would be fantastic. If you desperately still need equipment that you currently have out, please let me know asap. Thank you in advance. Let the annual stocktake begin!

Art Show at the Cafe

I would like to invite everyone to the opening of my art show starting on Friday the 27th 5-7pm  before the Accidental Theatre Company production.

Art Show poster small

Kind Regards: Iain McLellan

About request forms for current school year 1516

To whom it may concern ,

Due to our summer vacation, please get me your request forms for current school year 1516, with the budget head’s approval, before Fri, 17 Jun 2016, if you have any.

All request forms arrived after 1 Aug 2016 would not use the current school year budget any more.