Creative New Undertakings Prototype – Tuesday, August 23rd

On Tuesday, August 23rd, during Parent-Led Conferences, some grade 5 students, student advisors, and a few educators will work together to help "build a database of keen parents with a variety of expertise for students to connect with during Grade 5 exhibition, mini-PP, the Personal Project, Extended Essay, and for the [Creative New Undertakings] units going on across the school” (K. Bratton, personal communication, August 19, 2016).

In the Centre, students will "get the attention of parents walking by, and help them get their info to the database (Think the “step right up!” guy at a circus)…from 1:30-4:15pm” (Bratton, 2016). There will be stations of computers set up and ready for parent input that asks them for help or guidance with aspects of life in which they are passionate about.

If you have any questions about the strategic project, or wish to help, please contact: Mr. Paul Johnson, Mr. Tom Johnson, or Ms. Jo Andrew.
