Expat overseas hire teachers and their families will receive their NIC Membership cards and goodie bags containing the famous “Taxi Cards ” in their pigeon holes this Friday 2nd September.

Please sign the back of your cards and remember to bring to the Membership Welcome Back BBQ on Saturday 10th September 12-4pm here at NIS.

You will get free entry to the Skyways BBQ  and a free drink voucher at the registration tables in the Centre Foyer  if you present your membership card. There will be children’s activities, fun, food, drink, a DJ and a great opportunity to catch up properly with everyone after the holidays.

If you have visitors with you the cost will be RMB400 for adults and RMB 250 for children under 12. No need to book – just turn up.

For those of you who would like to join – there is an Early Bird discounted joining fee of RMB1000 per family/800 for couples and 600 for singles. This offer is valid only until the day of the BBQ.  It gets you free entry to the BBQ on 10th September and discounted entry for our other activities throughout the year – particularly the Christmas Ball on 3rd December at the Shangri La- (always a good bash) and the Christmas Benefit Concert here in school on 19th November… and many others.

For more information and to join NIC see Sue N in Admissions