PYP Lunchtime Open Mic

Our first Open Mic day is shaping up to be a big one with 16 students signed up so far!

We will begin at 1.20 and go until 1.40, which will allow all students time to eat, watch, perform and get some outside play time. Our plan is to run through the order as listed.

Can teachers of the following students please remind them to come to the library after eating lunch? And remind all other students to come and watch if they would like!

Saelyn 5C

Rudna 4A

Jessica and Ellie 3A

Mackenzie 2B

Iris 2A

Johnny and Jamie 4A and 4C

Bo Millie 1C

Jasmine 1C

Khai 3C

Lionel 3C

Seth 2A

Keemia 2C

Yeyun 2C

Hudson 2C

We will be taking more sign up for the coming days. Students can sign up on the whiteboard in the library.

See you there 🙂