Morning All,
EARCOS is in the process of planning and laying out the Fall issue of the EARCOS Triannual Journal. This is very early to ask for contributions to the Journal, but they are working on an early September deadline to distribute the Journal to member schools. Submissions will be accepted in the following categories by the deadline of August 25, 2017:
Welcome to New Member Schools, New Heads, Principals and Associate members.
Faces of EARCOS – Promotions, retirements, individual honors.
Campus Development – New construction, under construction, or just completed.
Curriculum Initiatives – New and exciting adoption efforts, and creative teacher ideas.Green and Sustainable – Articles related to curriculum and/or campus development.
Service Learning Projects
Action Research Reports – Summaries of approved action research projects.
Student Art – Elementary art will be featured in the Fall issue.
Student Writing – Original short stories, poetry, scholarly writing.
Requirements for Submission to the Journal:
1. Submit in MS Word format or PDF.
2. 500+- words.
3. Font size 10.
4. Font style Gills Sans.
5. Photos in JPEG format with caption.
6. Photo resolution at least 300 dpi
Please contact me if you have any question of it, thanks!