Day: October 9, 2017

SENIA informations

SENIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE (Combined with EARCOS): webpage here
Date: March 28-31, 2018   Location: Shangri-La Hotel – Bangkok, Thailand
Consider submitting a proposal to host a 75 minute workshop?  Contact Bella!
Please think about the students in our school community. Each year SENIA recognizes the achievements/contributions of students with disabilities. Is there a student you’d like to nominate?
Please think about our school and local community. Each year SENIA honors a person or institution that advocates for people with special needs in the Asian region. You can go to the SENIA website (click here) for more information.
Local Chapter:
Many local chapters of SENIA are forming. You don’t have to wait for the SENIA conference each year to talk with other professionals in your field. Create a local chapter of SENIA and start networking! To connect with SENIA Local Chapters in China, go SENIA Beijing (SENIB) Website: Special Education Network in Beijing- SENIB
Also SENIA HONGKONG is coming soon.