School Bells:
Bells are chosen by advisory teams and last one week per year. Some bells slots are pre-scheduled (e.g. Chinese New Year, Productions, DP exams, etc.). Emptied slots are filled with an alternating schedule of PS, MS, and US bells. If not enough bells are submitted to fill the schedule, the holes are filled through individual student and staff requests.
MSUS Deadlines: August 30th; PS Deadlines: September 14th
Location: Studentlargestorage / School Bells
- Bells must be appropriate for all ages, grades, and community members.
- All music must be known to be clean. This means instrumental clips of known explicit songs will not be accepted.
- Individuals and advisories may submit as many clips as they like; they will be used to fill holes (e.g. Weeks 3 & 4 currently have no bells! hint hint)
- You may submit an entire song or a clip less than 17 seconds in length. If you submit an entire song, Miss Keus will choose the best portion to be used.
- If an advisory submits their song after the deadline given, Miss Keus will do her best to find an available slot, if possible.