Reminder about exchange money at the China Merchants Bank (CMB)

Please read the following info carefully, if you are an overseas staff:

Before you visit the CMB for exchange, please make sure that you take your CMB cardoriginal passport and  your employment contracts since school year 1617, individual income tax (IIT)  statements and salary statement.

The IIT Statement will be issued on monthly basis, while the Salary Statement annually.


If you updated your passport recently, please pass a clear copy to Clara ASAP , so that your passport info on both tax & salary statement could be updated timely.


You would receive your 1819 salary statement &  IIT statement after 28 Aug 2018.


The China Merchants Bank (CMB) often double check if your name and passport No.on the tax&salary statement  is correct, and the exchange limitation could be the lowest amount of after tax salary, salary statement, salary amount transferred from our school account, and the employment contract. (If your salary deduction is too much, your exchange limitation could be much less.)


For security consideration, the CMB suggested us to setup the SMS function of bank card at the bank counter, and not link our salary card with Alipay or WeChat Pay as well.