EYC field test today- join us to support your colleagues

Thursday Nov.1st Day 1 12:55-13:45

Venue: PS Design classroom(Updated)

Workshop presenter: Zach Groshell and Nik Madalinski

Workshop topic or subject area: Design Technology

Grade level(s) and/or target audience: G1 – G12

Dynamic Design: Personalized topics for the student-driven DT classroom.

Description of workshop:

In a unique and exciting format, design teachers Zach Groshell and Nik Mad will use their extensive experiences in theatre, summer camp, advertising, and teaching Grades 1-10 Design to motivate and inspire participants as they choose their own personalized workshop.


Upon arriving at the workshop each participant will be given a “menu” of future-ready design-themed titles. Participants will then be allowed choose what they want to learn about from the menu, ensuring that this workshop is based entirely on the interests and the needs of those in attendance. Every title brings a level of interactivity, performance, and a taste of the techniques, strategies, and thought that form a part of a dynamic instructional program that incorporates design thinking. Teachers from all subjects and grade levels welcome!