Month: October 2018

Email about NIS account being “Hacked”

Good Morning,

If you have received an email starting like this:


My nickname in darknet is hermie59 {or some version of this}.
I hacked this mailbox more than six months ago,
through it I infected your operating system with a virus (trojan) created by me and have been monitoring you for a long time.

So, your password from {yourusernamehere} is pac123456

Don’t panic. Contact us in the IT Department, and rest easy knowing that this is the latest in a string of increasingly high-tech phishing scams designed to get you to panic and not pay attention to some of the details that otherwise highlight that this is fake. For more information on this latest scam, have a look at this article from the UK Business Insider journal. Remember, when in doubt about something like this, come and ask the experts in IT (and change your password!). Remember, protect yourself when you connect yourself to the world wide web!


Calling Peer audience to support your colleagues

This year we have 3 teacher presentation proposal from our wonderful colleagues for EARCOS teacher conference 2019. As EARCOS request all teacher presentation need to be field tested and ranked within their school.  Please see the information below of each presentation and save your and attend as peer audience to support our colleagues.

Please note that all the sessions will be heppened during lunch time and it will be a shorter version of the real session.
1.Monday Oct 29th Day 1 12:55-13:45
Workshop presenter: Angie Battye & Lee Mayes
Venue: Green gym classroom (the room at Green gym near to the changing room area)
Grade level(s) and/or target audience: Kindergarten – G5
Workshop topic or subject area: Physical Education/Core Strength/Play=
Workshop title: Poor core strength and the impact on learning.
Description of workshop:
The purpose of the workshop is to understand the reasons why more and more children today are showing signs of poor core strength, how this affects their daily life and ability to learn in the classroom and what we as educators can do improve the core strength of our students.

2.Tuesday Oct 30th Day 8 12:35-13:25
Workshop presenter: Joe Barder & Lee Mayes
Venue: G2C C109
Workshop topic or subject area: Physical Education/Health/Technology
Grade level(s) and/or target audience: Primary School, PE, Reggio-inspired educators, Advisory Teachers, Teacher-Parents
Workshop title:Unplug, Reboot, and Play – Games for Boosting Learning

Description of workshop:
The goal of our workshop is to demonstrate how you can harness the power of gaming and design to “unplug” and “reboot” your students to be ready for learning. Broken into 3 chunks, participants will receive information about the science behind gaming, activity and the brain; learn the mechanics behind addictive apps in physical games designed by the presenters; and, apply these principles in the creation of your own game.

3.Wednessday Oct 31st Day 1 12:55-13:45
Venue: Design Center 2nd floor
Workshop presenter: Zach Groshell and Nik Madalinski
Workshop topic or subject area: Design Technology
Grade level(s) and/or target audience: G1 – 12
Workshop title:Dynamic Design: Personalized topics for the student-driven DT classroom.

Description of workshop:
In a unique and exciting format, design teachers Zach Groshell and Nik Mad will use their extensive experiences in theatre, summer camp, advertising, and teaching Grades 1-10 Design to motivate and inspire participants as they choose their own personalized workshop.

Upon arriving at the workshop each participant will be given a “menu” of future-ready design-themed titles. Participants will then be allowed choose what they want to learn about from the menu, ensuring that this workshop is based entirely on the interests and the needs of those in attendance. Every title brings a level of interactivity, performance, and a taste of the techniques, strategies, and thought that form a part of a dynamic instructional program that incorporates design thinking. Teachers from all subjects and grade levels welcome!

Speech and Debate MS and HS

The Speecheasy is a speech and debate tournament that will take place on Saturday, January 19, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at Beijing World Youth Academy. 

In the category of Speech, there are two events: Impromptu and Original Oratory.

In the category of Performance, there are two events: Duet Acting and Oral Interpretation.

In the category of Debate, there is only one event: Debate (this includes both prepared and impromptu debates).

If you are interested sign up on Veracross and speak to Mr Hammond before Friday, October 19th.

Costs to be determined.

PS Day 1 Reminders

Get ready for our first PS House Tech Challenge starts today at 8:10am.

See Tye’s email about grade level groupings.

Also, THANK YOU ALL for your good work preparing Q1 Reports. They will go out at 4:00pm along with open sign-ups for the 3-Way Conferences.


TTOF …..Friday 16th Nov in Staff Lounge 4.00 onwards

Travel Tips on Friday – in the Staff Lounge

4.00 for 4.15 kick off- finish by 5.15 latest

Topic : Sue will take you to the Tulou – the exquisite, ancient round houses in Fujian province.
Do come along – very informal – everyone welcome!!



Facility Notice

  1. This Weekend, Green Gym will be closed from Saturday (20th) 14:00pm to Sunday (21st) 15:00pm for drawing lines on the floor.

Upstairs in Cafeteria Closed

The Student Council has decided that the upstairs of the cafeteria will be closed today and tomorrow (Thursday and Friday). They would like all students to know that the reason is because this space is not respected by some students.

Student Council will make an announcement in Assembly on Friday to explain more about this.

Life 101 Grade 9

Grade 9 Life 101 will meet in the Black Box today during block 2.

Image result for life