Month: February 2019

Today’s mid-morning sessions

Dynamic Dialogues

Curriculum-inspired Service as Action” with Luiz Mello

The goal of the session is to identify the role of Service as Action the MYP and DP programme models, share examples of curriculum-inspired Service as Action in MYP and DP Biology and to generate potential links to service in the units of participants.

Direct Instruction Vs. Inquiry in the MYP” with Nick Baker

Exploring Student Voice and Choice to engage our students, while at the same time delivering those vital ‘knowledge download’ parts of the curriculum.

What to bring: laptops and your unit planners and/or SLOs

–Both sessions happening in D204 (Luiz’s Lab)–

Documentary and Discussion

Most Likely to Succeed

A powerful documentary examining education reform and inspiring school communities to re-imagine what students and teachers are capable of doing.


ISA Proctor Training

Preparing for, and answering any and all questions ISA proctors may have about, next week’s testing sessions.


Mid-Day Sessions Today!

Dynamic Dialogues 

Amanda L.

Play-based pedagogies for the almost grown: Supporting imaginative engagement as a way to achievement.


Building guided choice into the language classroom with an emphasis on responding to reading.

–Both sessions happening in D341 (Amanda’s Room)–


Most Likely to Succeed

A powerful documentary examining education reform and inspiring school communities to re-imagine what students and teachers are capable of doing.


Tuesday Mid-Day Sessions for Scrummers


Sarah Merrylees in D241: 

“How Can it be thisDifficult?” – Understanding what to look for and how it really FEELS to have a learning difficulty helps us to build more empathy and authentic inclusion into our differentiation practices.

Most Likely to Succeed in the PAC:

Largestorage and Fileserver update reminder!

Happy (Chinese) New Year and Welcome Back!

We recently upgraded the access protocols to our Largestorage and Fileservers at NIS, so if you’ve been experiencing problems connecting to them, that is why. But don’t worry! Here are the instructions for updating the settings on your computer if you access from school:

  1. CMD+K keyboard shortcut will open the Connect to Server window below:
  2. For LargeStorage  access: smb://    OR  smb://
  3. For FileServer access: smb://     OR  smb://

Note that the SMB part is quite important and the main difference.

If you are trying to connect via the links on the school website from home, come and see us in IT for help, or, if you are so inclined, follow the (slightly) more complicated directions below:

  • While at school you need to download the new SSL VPN Client Software by doing the following:
    1. Connect to with a web browser

    2. Type your username and password (i.e. your Veracross login information)

    3. Choose the correct installer for your operating system (MacOS version)

    4. Save the file to your computer

    5. Click install.

  • Once installed:
    1. Select the WatchGuard Mobile VPN with SSL from your Applications
    2. When asked for server, type
    3. Enter your username and password (same as before)
    4. Click the Connect button, and the VPN connection should be established.

Congratulations, you should now be able to securely connect to the Fileserver and Largestorage servers from home using the SMB protocol.

Once again, if you have any problems, please don’t hesitate to contact us in IT!


The NIS IT Department

What’s the NIS procedure/policy/guidelines on…?

Weclome to the Year of the Pig!

Have you ever wondered about who your budget head was? Or what the Code of Conduct is for visitors to NIS? Trying to figure out if the photo you took of your students building with lego is appropriate to Tweet out? Well, all of these things and more can be found within our O365 Sharepoint server located, living and continuously updated online.  Some further dissemination of these important tidbits of information are outlined below:

  • The Staff Folder is where the majority of policy documents, procedures and forms live
  • Want a car loan? A soft copy of the yellow form? NIS Letterhead or branded Powerpoint slides? -> Check out the Resources folder
  • Forgotten where to find that Curriculum Mapping Template? Or curious about what ATLs look like in the MYP? Check out the Curriculum Development folder
  • Missed the Monday Morning Briefing? You’re in luck because you will also find a link to the OneNote document on the left-hand side (as seen below) – or click here and bookmark the page!

While you’re visiting, your friendly IT Coaches and Staff remind you to bookmark this page! (That’s the Command + D keys or find it under Bookmarks in the menu). Happy surfing!

Grade 5 Exhibition

What is so wonderful about our planet?

What would you like to share with future generations?

Dear Colleagues, Parents, Students,

Grade 5 is starting its preparations for the Exhibition (“Sharing The Planet”). As we start to discuss the act of sharing the planet with our students, we’re first going to tune in to what we’re sharing.

We’re asking them, you, anyone who passes through the Grade 5 hallway to contribute to our inspiration wall that asks all and sundry what you love about our planet, what you’d like people to know about, what you imagine passing on to our descendants. Have a look; share a thought. We would love to see the world, and show the world to our students, through your eyes.

Grade 5 Team

ISA Writing Coming Soon!

Hello NIS Writers in Grades 5-10,

The International Schools Assessment for writing is coming up the Tuesday and Wednesday after the Chinese New Year holiday. There is nothing special you need to do other than eat a healthy breakfast, get a good night’s sleep, and give your best effort. The ISA is comprised of two short writing tasks, simple as that!

The ISA Testing Schedule is linked here for you see when and where you will be ISA’ing.

Have a lovely holiday!


PYP Exhibition POST for EVERYONE!

What is so wonderful about our planet?

What would you like to share with future generations?

Dear Colleagues, Parents, Students,

Grade 5 is starting its preparations for the Exhibition (“Sharing The Planet”). As we start to discuss the act of sharing the planet with our students, we’re first going to tune in to what we’re sharing.

We’re asking them and our community to contribute to our inspiration wall that asks what you love about our planet, what you’d like people to know about, what you imagine sharing with our descendants. Have a look; share a thought, a drawing, a photo….

Grade 5 Team