Day: September 8, 2019

HWC-What’s the best thing about Switzerland?

I don’t know, but its flag is a big plus!

While on the topic of Maths (kind of), Homework Club is on this week Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:15 in the Learning Support area (C142). All students grades 6-12 are welcome to come study, complete projects, and finish homework. There are always teachers ready to help you if you need it.

See you there!

SENIA 2020

What is SENIA? SENIA 2020

When: February 21-23

Where: International School of Manila

Theme: Beyond Inclusion-Embracing the Integrated Experience

If you are interested to attend the conference, fill in the PD form to PD committee.

If you are interested to present at the conference as a teacher presenter, contact Bella Zhang for further info.


18th Annual EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2020

What is EARCOS? EARCOS Teachers’ Conference 2020.

Calling for teacher presenter from NIS, if you are interest to take the great opportunity to become a EARCOS teacher presenter, the internal proposal due to Oct 25th. Please contact Bella Zhang for any other details and questions!

Have a nice day!


CMB Notice

CMB will CLOSE on September 13 (Fri), 14 (Sat) and OPEN on September 15 (Sun), 2019 during Mid Autumn holiday.