Good Morning X-Blockers

  • Today during Block 4, Eliana, Jess and Agatha are offering X-Blockers the chance to be part of a sign-language choir that will perform a song in the final assembly of 2020. Please join them in the music room at 12:00pm for some movement, music and fun.
  • Sadly, today will be the final day for our fabulous X-Block cooking crew until after Chinese New Year.
  • Grade 8 X-share is next week on Thursday – Please make sure you have your portfolio prepared. (Not ready – see Seesaw or come and visit Mrs Merrylees in the music room for help during Block 3 after you have checked in with your mentor)
  • Haju, Sunny, Jessica, Eliana and Agatha, please meet with Mrs Merrylees in the music room at the beginning of block 3.