Volleyball Players Out of Class Thursday & Friday

Teachers, the following students are members of our ACAMIS Volleyball teams and will be out of school during the entirety of the ACAMIS Volleyball Tournament. They will not be attending classes. Thank you all for your flexibility and support for this event.


Miranda, Guilherme M
Grade 9 Cetin, Mete M
Grade 12 Jung, Seongmin M
Grade 11 Roberts, Sherlock M
Grade 9 Zhuo, Steven M
Grade 9 Dean, Tom M
Grade 9 Li, XiaoRan Lucas M
Grade 9 Zhu, Yichen Eason M
Grade 9 Du, Yixuan Eason M
Grade 11 Loo, Geonha M
Grade 11 Lam, Cheuk Him M
Grade 9 Buddy, Matthews M
Grade 9 Fan, Yuchen F
Grade 9 Heckelmann, Jessica F
Grade 9 Pizzolito, Agatha F
Grade 10 Romero, Elizabeth Lizzie F
Grade 11 Grinberga, Linda F
Grade 12 Bartholomew, Sophie F
Grade 9 Lee, Yena F
Grade 9 Zhang, Yiqing Emily F
Grade 11 Wu, Yuxian  Yoyo F
Grade 11 Grossschmidt, Carolina F
Grade 9 Grossschmidt, Malin F