This tip continues the focus on using AI to assist in your teaching practices. It provides links to two sets of curated lists of AI resources to help you get started with using AI in your teaching.
I have put together the following sets if resources to assist you in narrowing down which AI tools are the best to get started with, and then provide some examples of effective prompts to use with these tools.
AI Tools for the Busy Teacher : This contains links to a collection of online AI tools designed specifically to help teachers with their planning and preparation.
Prompt Guides for Teachers : This contains links to a collection of PDF’s and websites which have got exemplar prompts and details of what these prompts will help you generate.
For your convenient access, I have also provided links to these resources in Teams. I will continue to update these as new and improved resources become available.
Remember, this tip, along with all previously published Tuesday Tech Tips including other related to AI use at NIS can be found here.