Day: March 7, 2024

Theatre Festival -Grade 6-8

Any student from grade 6-8 who loves drama and wants to be involved in the ISTA Theatre Festival -come and see me(Ms Philip)   to find out more – there are limited places so be quick! It will be an amazing event -Thanks

March 7 Mini University Fair

NIS Mini University Fair welcomes you. 

  • The mini university fair:
    • Date: March 7th
    • Students’ participating time: 10.10 am – 10.55 am (G9-12, Snack and advisory time, you will miss no Block 3 class)
    • Parents’ participating time: 10.00 am – 11.30 am (Any NIS parents)
    • Venue: Center LGR
    • What to bring: Note-taking materials and a bag to collect university materials
    • What to do during the fair: Find the poster on Tips of How to Fully Engage in a College Fair and 20 helpful questions
    • How to attend: Sign up only (necessary as you will miss your advisory class to attend the event). See the poster QR code.

Attending institution list: (Updates will be available later)

  • Allegheny College
  • BIMM University
  • Bridge-U
  • EHL Hospitality Business School (Lausanne, Passugg & Singapore)
  • Foothill & De Anza Colleges
  • Texas Christian University
  • Ohio State University
  • Penn State University
  • UC Davis UC Riverside
  • University of Michigan – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute