Day: April 30, 2024

eRequest System Training This Afternoon!

As mentioned previously, we are rolling out a new eRequest system.  There will be a training session today from 2:45 to 3:30 pm in the PAC.

In this training, we will:

  • Learn how to login
  • Learn how to decide which form to fill out
  • Learn how to fill out the main forms
  • Learn how to print documents

If you are interested, support documents are available here.



Attention Sugar Challengers (Your Feedback is Needed!)

Dear NIS Sugar Challengers!

Thank you for participating in the NIS Sugar Challenge! We are thrilled to share that over 100 individuals participated! We want to collect data on how things went for all our participants. This survey will help us gather valuable feedback on your experience during the challenge. Your input is greatly appreciated. Please fill out this survey by the end of the week.

Thank you!

Meeting in PAC this Afternoon

This afternoon’s meeting for Primary and Secondary staff will be in the PAC.  Julia and Shannon will share how to use a new online system to replace the current “white form”. Please bring your laptop.

Following this, Secondary teachers will remain in the PAC and Jade will share some MYP updates. Primary teachers have time for grade-level planning.