Sign up for supervising WEW

Dear Secondary teachers,

Please use this link to sign up for supervising Grade 10 students during WEW. If you teach G10, please sign up for at least one student. If you teach G10 and G12, please sign up for two. I will assign any left over students at the end of the day.

For each student you choose, you will send them a daily message checking in on their work placement. It can be in response to their daily reflection, following up any missed reflections, asking questions about successes, goals and struggles, giving advice etc. These messages will all be done on ManageBac. Specific details to follow.

I have asked many of you to be on the site visit teams. If I haven’t asked you yet, but you would like to be (you need to have at least a morning or an afternoon free of classes so we don’t create cover), please let me know!
