PeerSphere Facilitator

Dear Colleagues

A professional learning opportunity has opened up for two staff to assist with hosting a Peer Sphere conference that will be held here at NIS in October.

NIS is hosting this professional learning community event which is participant-driven, focusing on gathering to connect in-person, share practices, and explore common professional inquiries.

The opportunity is to take on the role of ‘facilitator’ and help direct the discussion in one of the breakout spaces. The event is focusing on Student Agency, and we are seeking facilitators for the break-out room topics of ‘Standards meets Student Agency’ and ‘Technology for Choice’. We can though, be very flexible and change the topic to anything related to Student Agency that you are interested in.

Your role is simply to guide the conversation in the room for the one-hour breakout session. You do not need to prepare a presentation or be an expert on the topic. You are there to get people talking and delve into the learning yourself.

The event is on October 19 from 12 until 4:30pm. For my information, please see the event website.

Andrew and I will be there to lead the event, along with the Peer Sphere staff, so you will be well supported throughout. If you are interested in this opportunity, please send me an email or come and have a chat.