Day: September 25, 2024

🗓️ Upcoming PLD Schedule

We are excited to announce our upcoming Professional Learning Days (PLD) on October 8th and 9th, themed: Wander & Wonder: Designing Dynamic Learning. This event will place a strong emphasis on Literacy & Language as well as Learning Spaces.

We are particularly delighted to welcome Ewan McIntosh from NoTosh, along with Philip and Chloe, the architects of The Hub. Throughout the week, they will engage with various stakeholders and continue our collaborative efforts to explore how we can integrate our learning spaces, especially The Hub, into our mission, strategy, and learning practices.

Here is the schedule for our two PLD days. The first page is an overview, and scrolling down will bring you to the section specific details for the two days.

We look forward to an inspiring and transformative experience for all participants!

PeerSphere! Great PD Opportunity! Don’t miss out!

We are excited to let you know that our school has become a member of PeerSphere, Asia’s largest Peer Learning Community for international schools. Imagine a job-a-like or teach meet that is continuous and someone else has organized everything for you!

Learn more about how it works

There are over 60 communities to choose from and you can join as many as you like. Including 2 communities hosted by our very own Pearl Noh, Lee Mayes and Shannon Doak 🙌🏼.

Other benefits include:

  • Free access to peer coaching
  • In-person peer-to-peer events
  • Hybrid bilingual conferences for Teaching Assistants and Administrative Support personnel.

Action Required: To activate your personal account, please do the following as soon as possible:  

If you have any questions about PeerSphere, you can email the team there using

Happy Learning!