Primary – Literacy Room

Shout Out and Huge Thanks to Anna Guo, Amina, Allison, Ray and Qunisha for all of their work sorting and organising our reading resources. The Literacy Room is beginning to take shape, and still requires a little more work. This team will be off-class on Friday afternoon, from 12.00, to continue working on this.

As part of the process of sorting through the books, we have removed many books from the shelves. These are currently on the tables in The Hub.  These books will be available for teachers to ‘pick through’ and take to classrooms to supplement classroom libraries at the following times.

Thursday 3.15pm – Friday 1pm: Teachers visit the library and collect any books they want for their classrooms

Friday 1pm – 3pm All staff welcome to take any leftover books (these can be taken home)

Friday 3pm All remaining books will be removed