Secondary Department Meetings Today

Good morning everyone,
For the department meetings today, please meet in LGR 3 to start. We will break up into departments after a few minutes. Thank you!
Here are the main agenda items from me, but please feel free to add as necessary.
Budget – please finish your department’s budget requests on the spreadsheet. I will follow up with departments as needed after.
Furniture needs – please use the form to inform me of furniture needs, either to replace/repain broken furniture or to request more if the class sizes have outgrown your current set up. I will review the needs and see what we can do.
ATL/Subject Skill moderation for reports – please share and discuss your assigning of the ATL skill levels and the subject skill levels to ensure consistent approaches throughout the department.
Embedding Writing – Following the presentation from the morning, please discuss next steps for your department. Consider and share how you are embedding writing on a daily/near daily basis or how you can increase writing, especially by hand, in your classes.