ADHD Student Panel Spicy Bite

Thank you, fervently to everyone who has attended the Spicy Bite sessions this week. Awareness is Key is the theme for ADHD Awareness Month, 2024, and you have all clearly embraced it wholeheartedly. What a community!

One of the highlights is today, Thursday, October 17th!

Lunch 1 (12.00-12.30) sees the first ever Student Panel Debut, in the LGR 2, Lunch 1, to explore the lived experience of our ADHDer’s in our learning spaces.

Lunch 2 (12.30 -13.00) is time for Dr. Doak, and Bobby AI- Lunch Byte and Spicy Bite combined, in LGR2.


We hope to see you, and if you can’t attend, reach out to for resources and questions.