Join us for a fun-filled evening of music, bingo, and great food! Bring your music knowledge and enjoy a night of laughs and prizes—all in support of a great cause!
EARCOS Bite-Sized Lunch Presentations Today!
A reminder that our EARCOS Bite-Sized Lunch Presentations will take place today!
When: 12.30 to 1.30
Where: Green Gym Classroom (turn right as you enter the green gym and walk to the far double doors beside the staff restroom)
Bring along your lunch and enjoy 🙂
Carleton University Visit Today
This is a reminder that Carleton University information session is today 11:30-12:30 at LGR 3. Looking forward to seeing you!
Upcoming College Visits-Carleton University and University of Toronto This Week
This is a gentle reminder that we will be hosting Carleton University and University of Toronto information session this week. All students and parents are welcome to attend. Please also see below our upcoming college visits. Please register through the QR code or survey link here. Thank you!
Primary – Three Way Conferences
PDFs of Three Way Conference schedules for Primary teachers can be found here. We will continue to contact parents who have not signed up to encourage them to do so.
In preparation for conferences please ensure that:
- conference schedules are posted outside the classroom
- seating is available outside of rooms for waiting families
Thank you!